Friday, 3 January 2020

Important Messages from LOTR: Gif and Images

Important Messages from Lotr:

One of the most poignant underlying themes of the trilogy is loss and how does a personal blow affect people and their role in this world.  Theoden’s loss of a son was devastating and the fact he still kept fighting for the better world, while putting aside his own pain and sorrow is one of the most important messages of this story.

One of the most poignant underlying themes of the trilogy is loss and how does a personal blow affect people and their role in this world. Theoden’s loss of a son was devastating and the fact he still kept fighting for the better world, while putting...

Even though Boromir tried to take the ring from Frodo, I see his speech about his city and its beauty as his redemption. He loved Gondor and its people and felt a huge burden to protect them in times of great trouble and it was a fear of failing them that drove him to madness.

Even though Boromir tried to take the ring from Frodo, I see his speech about his city and its beauty as his redemption. He loved Gondor and its people and felt a huge burden to protect them in times of great trouble and it was a fear of failing them...

Love this Gif

Lord of the Rings: Favorite Part, Music and Bravery

The most favorite part of Lord of the rings:

One of my favorite things is how the war united all the different people  and races of Middle-Earth to protect and preserve all that is good in their world.

One of my favourite things is how the war united all the different people and races of Middle-Earth to protect and preserve all that is good in their world.

Music of the LOTR:

Just listen and enjoy:)

What is the Real Meaning of Bravery and Love?

There are ways to be brave and bold without the sword in your hand and that kind of bravery echoes even louder than swords hitting armour. Arwen portrays different kind of bravery by denying herself happiness and letting the man she loves with all her heart go and fight for the better world. Afterwards, she chooses to stay in this damaged world, away from her family and her people, to try and rebuild and bring life to earth again. She is a true heroine.

There are ways to be brave and bold without the sword in your hand and that kind of bravery echoes even louder than swords hitting armour. Arwen portrays different kind of bravery by denying herself happiness and letting the man she loves with all...

Where to buy Prop replicas from Lord of the rings?

Anduril Sword is the most renowned blade in the known world and one of the most amazing sword from Lord of the rings. It is capable of shattering Light, as confirmed by the Dark Hero. He took a break from his fight with Don Freecss for days in order to maintain the sword and recover after Don's attack on him.

The sword was forged from a single yew timber that fused with enchanted Emerald within a powerful magic circle. It requires a thorough shaman's touch to keep the enchanted core alive and able to wield its incredible power, as evidenced by the one whose corpse the sword would be shattered into during Don's confrontation with him.

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